Pomona Series

We make Pomona as a nod to the deep roots of Apples and craft beer in Washington. Pomona is freshly pressed cider from wild and cultivated cider apples, cofermented with an actively fermenting saison. Each blend is a unique capsule of a year-long cycle of Apple blossoms, fruit, grain, and yeasts.

Pomona 2023 Blend

The 2023 blend uses cider apples from Jones Creek Farm in Sedro Woolley, WA and foraged fruit from untended apple trees in and around the Seattle area.

We let the apples sweat prior to milling and macerating. We then pressed and let the runnings natively ferment on apple and pinot noir pomace. Once primary fermentation slowed, we introduced our house saison to slowly ferment over the winter.

Come spring time, we blended, bottlede, and conditioned Pomona with raw wildflower honey. Tart fragrant wild apples with melon mousse finishing with a lively texture.

7.1% abv

Pomona 2022 Blend

The 2022 blend uses fruit from Jerzy Boyz Farm in Chelan, WA, City Fruit, and foraged fruit from untended apple trees in and around the Seattle area.

Last fall we crushed and let the apple must* macerate on the pomace for additional extraction and mingling time for the native yeasts. Then we pressed and introduced an actively fermenting saison. We let this slowly ferment over the winter.

In spring we bottled and conditioned the blend with raw wildflower honey and Cassia bark.